Monday, June 15, 2015

"An Arrow a Day"


"An Arrow a Day"

This month the Huntress View team presented everyone with a challenge, "An arrow a Day". Sounds cool, right? After all, an excuse to tighten up my groups and brush up my shooting is never a bad thing. I'm writing this post on day 15 of the challenge. Now that I've been doing this I want to share the experience so far from my point of view!
June 1st rolls around and by then I had convinced a few friends to join me. Well, me being me, I skip day 1. Adding to my own guilt, my friend Lex calls me out on instagram. #WhereYouAtKaitlyn? Now it's game on. I start making time day by day to go out and shoot. After a few days I adopt it as habit. I have found peace and relaxation with it! I take my morning coffee with a few arrows to start my day. Then I end my day with a few more shots before sundown. It's an escape I look forward to everyday.
On top of all that, my shooting has definitely improved! I have moved up my draw weight and put on a fall away arrow rest. By doing this challenge I am getting the time I need to adapt to changes and new equipment. My groups are already more tight an consistent. I am going to be confident when deer season rolls around.
Now that it is June 15th my fiancĂ© and many friends have joined in on the fun. It has created some friendly competition between our group! I've found myself spending more time shooting with friends this month. It's great quality fun during the off season. It's amazing what we have all learned from each other already. I also enjoy seeing my fellow Huntress View Pro Staff participate and benefit. All of my fellow archers inspire me to want to grow and get better!
It's not to late either! Join me for the Huntress View "An Arrow a Day" challenge. I believe with dedication I will achieve goals and benefit from this challenge come deer season! You can too!
Thanks for reading. -RobbieKHarris